Meet Little Jeff

Meet Little Jeff. He loves learning. Everything.
Little Jeff works hard to learn everything he can.

What do you suppose Little Jeff is thinking as he’s flying a kite?

Little Jeff helps me a lot in my world today. We’ve been working together intentionally since 2018 to learn more about learning and ourselves. What would Little Jeff do in that circumstance? What would he feel like? What would be best to help Little Jeff grow? I channel Little Jeff’s voice often as I design, prepare for, deliver, and reflect upon my learning interactions with people of all ages. Little Jeff helps me to remember how we learn throughout life. He also reminds me to embrace my curiosity and passion for life each day—play, laugh, explore, adventure, and smile lots (especially if you’re skipping).

What would you do to help Little Jeff grow?
What would you do to help your younger self grow?

As Big Jeff, I am channeling my younger self to be better as a human and an educator. I’ll be posting here about my journey as a learner, about how I challenge my former, current, and future self to grow.

Grow, Jeff, Grow!

Challenge: Create an avatar of yourself as a little learner.